In rural Portugal, the landscape tells a story about the development of humankind and wilderness. In recent decades, globalisation has been changing the ways human beings interact with the wilderness. Following the logic, wilderness turned into something to be commodified or conserved, but also it is something separated from humans.
Although many people think that humans are masters of nature, this position has been challenged by many social scholars that now debate novel methods to talk and understand wilderness. Animal Intersection: where animals meet, explores the relationship between humans and wild animals in Northern Portugal. The film portrait multiple practices to convey loose snippets that enact multiple human-wild animal relationships and how the wild animals come into being through filmmaking practices.
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I am Rodrigo. Brazilian scholar with Master titles in Visual Ethnographic and Tourism and Environment. My researcher is grounded on ontological anthropology and visual practices, where I visually portrait how people enact the reality that they live. Through my work, I hope to not only portrait multiple realities but also to make the audience reflect on the ways their reality is enacted.